ENG - Simple Git Server
October 2024 (360 Words, 3 Minutes)
This project contains the Dockerfile, the docker-compose and other script needed to run and serve a git service base on:
The git content will be avaialble via http and ssh ( the docker container contains a nginx and sshd server).
The server can be managed throught the gitolite-admin repository.
Run The Container
$ git clone https://github.com/stethewwolf/docker_simple-git-srv.git simple-git-srv
$ cd simple-git-srv
$ docker-compose up -d
In this way the container will open the ports 80 and 22, by defaults no repository should visible.
Confiration and Customizations
Most of the configuration can be performed using the docker-compose.yml
file present in this repository
Git data
Inside the container all the git data is contained into the folder
I should be mounted into a volume ( as in the docker-compose.yml
) or
mounted into a folder.
The defaul content is :
|-- .bashrc
|-- .gitolite
| |-- conf
| |-- hooks
| |-- keydir
| `-- logs
|-- .gitolite.rc # if present gitolite init is skipped
|-- .ssh
| |-- authorized_keys
| |-- gitolite
| `-- gitolite.pub # this is the admin public key, if missing a new ssh
| keys pai is generated
|-- bin
|-- log
| |-- nginx-access.log
| `-- nginx-error.log
|-- projects.list
|-- repositories # this folder contains bare repositories
| |-- gitolite-admin.git
| `-- testing.git
`-- tmp
The system expect the admin public key with this skema:
Buildbot Data
Inside the container all the git data is contained into the folder
At the first run the folder contains:
├── buildbot.tac
├── http.log
├── master.cfg # buildbot server configuration
├── state.sqlite
├── twistd.log
└── twistd.pid
Gitolite Customizations
This project adds a custom post-receive
hook which install:
Next Steps
Test ssh connection
Exmaple for user ssh config file
Host simple-git-srv
HostName localhost
Port 2222
User git
IdentityFile ~/tmp/gitolite
You can test the connection:
ssh simple-git-srv
hello gitolite, this is git@1bf2152f7330 running gitolite3 3.6.12-1 (Debian) on git 2.39.2
R W gitolite-admin
R W testing
Connection to localhost closed.
you can clone
git clone simple-git-srv:gitlite-admin
Test web connection
By default the project list is empty:
edit the file gitolite-admin/conf/gitolite.conf
like this:
@secret = gitolite-admin
repo @secret
- = gitweb daemon
option deny-rules = 1
repo @all
R = gitweb daemon
repo gitolite-admin
RW+ = myuser
@test_users = myuser otheruser
repo testing
config gitweb.owner = "Antonio Ospite"
config gitweb.description = "Test repository"
RW+ = @test_users
now you should be able to see at least one repo:
- git
- gitolite
- gitweb
- how to grep and execute a command for every match
- bash trim whitespace
- how-to-get-gitolite-gitweb-working-together

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